I was asked to speak to a media class about my experiences and thoughts on the future of the show business. At the end of the class I recommended some books for the students to read that I felt would help them on their journey.
Here's my list:
Book Recommendations
The Movie Business Book - Jason Squire
The Anatomy of Story - John Truby
Sell or Be Sold - Grant Gardone
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs - Carmine Gallo
The Power of Human Connection - Kody Bateman
The Art of Dramatic Writing - Lajos Egri
Reading the Silver Screen - Thomas C. Foster (bonuses: How to Read Literature Like a Professor, How to Read Novels Like a Professor)
Three Uses of the Knife (On the Nature and Purpose of Drama) - David Mamet
Rising Strong - Brene Brown
Into the Woods, A Five Act Journey into Story - John Yorke
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
For Screenwriters:
Save the Cat by Blake Snyder
Your Screenplay Sucks by William M. Ackers
Inside Story by Dara Marks
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers by Christopher Vogler
Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman
Bonus books:
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (because this is a good 'yarn' and has so many lessons for us today)
Thank you for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs (you have to know the art of persuasion - plus it references how Homer Simpson can teach us about the art of persuasion!)